Website Mission – Yeah – Sorry, But I Went There…. Hugs…

Hi Weary Web-Traveller!

My name is Scott and I’m about to tell you what I learned about blood chemistry including what experts in the health community can tell me about blood chemistry.

The story begins with my dabbling with health until I put on my Freshman Fifteen (Freshman 15)  I was healthy through most of my life.  But when my son Darren was born, I lost my faith in the medical community.  My friends can tell you that my first son was diagnosed with a DNA twist when he was six months old – which should have been diagnosed before he was born unless you were born in a third world county – but Darren was born in New Jersey, the fourth and a half best medical community on this planet.

Well, Darren’s story wasn’t based on blood chemistry, but it ignited me to create this website.  Because recently, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease which is the deterioration of your thyroid gland by your immune system.   I also have high blood pressure and I’m overweight – ok, obese.  Let’s just say I bought an XL Jos. A Banks sweater for $12 and I looked like a blue McDonald’s Grimace – Heh!  BTW, my sense of humor is through the roof so please take everything on this website with a kilogram of salt, unless salt is against the doctor’s orders!

My mission for this website is -X-fold (This is going to change daily BTW- hehe): Provide people with honest first rung information about what they are looking for based on their blood chemistry results.  Provide people with a way to improve their blood chemistry results.  Provide people with suggested ways to improve their blood chemistry results.

But also to provide forums based on diagnosis, and questions for people to QUICKLY understand what from is going on, and get back to enjoying their lives.  On average, people only have roughly 30,000 to 36,500 (100 years) on this Earth (or another planet) to enjoy life.  Life is best enjoyed and not worried.  So if you have a malady, condition, an ailment, be motivated, make things, make memories for your friends, families and loved ones.

My alternative mission is to support communities to help foster what I wrote in the previous paragraph.  No one is perfect – but we can make the future better, and put our missteps and misdeeds behind us.

Let’s work together to create the best world, family, friendship possible.  Hugs…


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