COVID-19 – Could It Be The Next Common Cold?

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

By Scott Wild

Why are supposedly recovered Covid-19 patients testing positive for the virus after they have previously tested negative.

Possible reasons:

  1. They have been reinfected by another strain of the COVID-19. There have been a handful of different strains identified and tracked. Immune systems primed to defend one strain may not be able to react or react quick enough to handle a different strain.
  2. The re-infected are carriers. Are they showing symptoms again? And if so, to what extent?
  3. The virus goes dormant after the lymhocytes beat back one version and a small mutation has the new version work.
  4. Many asymptomatic people will be carriers. Normal virus shedding patients have an R0 of 0.7 to 3. Where is the R0 for asymptomatic infected people. Check out RT.Live for more information.

It appears that society will be battling this virus for years to come and that even with a vaccine and antibodies, this virus will persist as other viruses do. And as it burns slowly through the people of the world, it will kill some people and may or may not immunize others. The signs from China and South Korea indicate that it can be stopped – which are optimistic.

We have to be ready for the next phase. People will get infected when they are younger, build up antibodies and not have such severe reactions when they are older. Unfortunately, this is a horrible virus that is cleaning out society and reminding us to stay healthy. It is a reminder to keep our blood pressure in check, our weight normal, and monitor our blood sugar so we do not become diabetic.

Regular exercise, a healthy diet and will keep you and society healthy .

Right now, stay safe, don’t catch the virus and become a new infective chain / carrier. Stay home and hope that the vaccine or treatment stops this disease that is infecting our friends, family and maybe ourselves.

Rapamycin – 90 is the new 50

You will either Live up to 30% longer – or risk unknown side effects

We are just cracking the surface to longevity. One route is killing off older senescent cells through fasting or recently it is found that Rapamycin / Sirolimus.

Found through a few doctors or through international online pharmacies, you can procure the pills to partake in this somewhat of an experiment.

You see, this drug is FDA approved as a means to suppress the immune system to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs. So it’s safe on some scale.

Is it too good to be true? Probably. But, talk to your doctor and see what your doctor says.

Easy Weight Loss

Photo by Corey Motta on Unsplash

Will Power!!

So, the two-banana diet didn’t work out too well.  After the fourth day, the hunger was whittling away at my will power.  And snacking, and larger evening meals nullified my banana breakfast and lunch monkey food.

I’m motivated to find a better way for easy weight loss.

The Alternative!

Grab your energy! Do your meal planning, your physical therapy now! Watch your weight. Check your thyroid function!

The Wild Method:

So I did some research and found some successful studies that were done on a few different areas and added the following winners of the weight loss fad diets to my regimen – and I hope that they serve you as well as they are serving me:

  1. Raspberry Ketones help burn / change visceral brown fat and the only side effects are raspberry burps in the morning. (BTW – I just learned that there’s a P in Raspberry – heh!) (Truth – it’s just in rodents so far – but more studies need to be completed- and I might be weird – but I like raspberry burps – hehe!)
  2. The green coffee bean extract would give me more energy and increase my metabolism and showed promising results in one study. Taken in the morning. No caffeine buzz! This replaces my morning cup of coffee.
  3. The Glucomannan Fiber pills help fill up your stomach and keep Ghrelin at bay which helps my willpower.   I take it (three pills) in the morning and before I start to drag around 3 pm with a full glass of water. I’d say, twice a day – morning (about 30 minutes after they other supplements because I think they bind / wrap things up. and either 30 minutes before a late lunch or before dinner with a full glass of water.
  4. The Hydroxy Cut Platinum.  I’m not sure why I did this or which study it was, but I was glad to have found it – I feel that it boosts my metabolism when I take only this.  I was concerned, as was my fiance about blood pressure, but this is not like the ephedrin of the 70’s and 80’s – read Ephedra – which is now banned by the FDA.  Feels like I get about a 20% energy boost from this – taken twice a day – about $35 for a months supply. But supplement warnings can be traced to the early days of Hydroxy Cut – Read about it on WebMD. And this can be a warning to you to research everything you ingest.
  5. I take a B-Complex vitamin in the morning also, this gives my energy and turns my urine bright orange so I feel like it’s having some effect.  And I tell myself the I have to Be Complex when I’m taking it! 🙂

Supplements That Didn’t Make The Cut:

There was Meritrim – which hs been shown to impact blood pressure so I did not want to engage with this – yet.  It is related to the ephedrin of yesteryear.

I started taking Yogi Detox tea, but only one day, then I left it at work over the weekend, and then I was flying to St. Louis.  I didn’t have any crazy effects the first day I had the detox tea, but I didn’t want to risk entering too many airport bathrooms then need-be. Am-I-Right? heh!

My energy level increased, kick boxing Thursday, Friday and Sunday.  A 2.5 mile run saturday and 2.5 hours of hedge trimming Sunday in the sun.  (There was a lot of sweat and there were a lot of breaks)

On the above regimen, I’ve seen my weight plummet from 223 lbs to 218 lbs in a few days.

We’ll see how this business trip goes with the hotel gym, jogging, and Arianna Grande’s one hour daily workout…. I think it’s all legs and butt!

But I’ll still be trying to help us get healthier and so that we can all be 100 years old. But, hopefully that happens now before the government catches on and raises the retirement age yet again!

An Easy Diet – The Wild Banana Diet

The basis of an easy diet - A Bunch of Seven Yellow Bananas laying on a cloth with a realistic wooden texture.
Image by Gabriela Sanda from Pixabay

The Concept:

The world needs and easy diet. Bananas have roughly 100 to 120 calories (The standard Cavendish variety) and are a good unit of measure, readily available, and an easy diet decision. They have carbs and sugar to power you through the day (about 28 grams per banana). The fiber will help to sate your appetite (about 3 grams per banana).

You will be hungry, but not starving. And when you’re hungry, that’s your body going into your fat stores and filling up your blood with stored energy.

Related Caffeine Rant:

I’m a big fan of caffeine and I think it helps with this diet. I drink 3 cups of coffee before lunch. After my first cuppa, I take one 200 mg pill of L-Theanine. This pill heads-off the “wired-buzzed” feeling that dings productivity.

In the afternoon I’ll have some Yerba Mate tea, loose leaf in a tight screened infuser. I’ll drink it cold or warm and never hot. Anything over 140 deg F can cook you because we are meat…. This is in my opinion but you can read this study posted on MedLine and determine your own opinion. But with the extra craziness around the Mate, (A special thank you to Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.) . So, for me, I’m going to drink my Yerba Mater at a cold to warm temperature (50 to 80 deg F)

The Easy Diet / Meal Plan:

Drinking water / coffee / tea is at your leisure, but try and have the wake up and good-night water as listed below.

When You Wake up:

A glass of cold water (about 8 oz)


Eat a banana – drink coffee, tea, water (preferably without sugar – milk is ok). Have a multi-vitamin and a B-complex vitamin.


Repeat breakfast, banana and drink – skip the vitamins.


Eat a banana


Eat / Drink whatever you want – Within reason (3+ Big macs and fries isn’t within reason!). Try to use these loose guidelines:

  • 4-12 oz protein
  • any veggies you want with butter / sauces
  • reasonable amount of carbs – a roll, bread, or 4 oz pasta
  • Beer / wine are still fine (2 drinks a day max)

Before bed:

4 oz water, and drink water through the night as needed.

The Results

You tell me – I’m losing about 0.5 lbs a day. Give it a try.

If you find yourself working in the fields of Laos – do not eat the local bananas found in the field of Laos.

You tell me – I’m losing about 0.5 lbs a day. Give it a try. Disclaimer : If you find yourself working in the fields of Laos – do not eat the local bananas found in the field of Laos.

You can learn about the unfortunate sex life of our “seedless” Cavendish bananas over on Damn Interesting.

Learn about joining the International Bananas Club and 7 other Banana facts here.

If you have diabetic or insulin issues, or any other health issues, consult your doctor first.

For more banana nutrition and health information – See Dr. Axe’s page.

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Check out for recent health news and ideas.

Nootropics – Caffeine / l-Theanine

Start off your productive day with Caffeine / l-Theanine!

One of the buzzwords of today is Nootropics – which is any substance that helps and my first foray involved boosting my energy levels and productivity with caffeine, l-Theanine and Yerba Mate.

A caffeine buzz will either make you jittery or starts to cloud your mind after one or two (or 8!) cups. If this is what you have been doing, consider drinking only 2-3 cups in the morning and then taking a 200 mg pill of l-Theanine. This will change your jitters/clouds into an alertness that helps with productivity. The estimated ratio is roughly 200 mg of l-Theanine for every 100 mg of caffeine but it differs per person. So, experiment the first week varying your caffeine/l-theanine ratio. Record your feelings in a journal and see what works best for you. I used to drink 5-8 cups of coffee a day but now I only need two or three to keep my productivity up.

This combination is actually going mainstream now – I saw it in the Soylent Cafe Coffiest. (FYI – I checked the ingredients and this Soylent is NOT made of people!)

Soylent Meal Replacement – Pack of 12 – Cafe Coffiest

Also, here is a link to the pills that I have found to be the most cost effective. L-Theanine 200mg by Nature’s Trove – 120 Vegetarian Capsules

Afternoon Tea – Yerba Mate – Get Through the Mid-Afternoon Slump.

I know what you are thinking – but what about after lunch? Well, after lunch, I’ll have one or two cups ofEco Teas – Yerba Mate – Loose Leaf Tea. Reminder: there have been studies that this may increase your risk of cancer . But, that can attributed to drinking hot teas (anything above 140 deg F will actually cook you). So, try and wait for the tea to become luke-warm before you sip this.

The loose tea leaves really bother me since a lot of the holders tend to leak the leaves into the tea. I’m not into reading tea leaves yet, so I use this type of tea leaf immerser. Rishi Tea Infuser Basket – I’m a big fan of OXO, but the reviews for the OXO infuser on doesn’t provide me with the warm-fuzzies – So I’ll stick with Rishi.

Alleviating Hypothyroidism

Note: I have Hashimoto’s disease, which is a wasting away of my thyroid gland over time. Anything can trigger Hashimoto’s, but I believe mine was triggered from the x-rays from doctors / dentist visits. Here’s an aside: I will investigate the thyroid gland effects of taking Potassium Iodide and other pills before x-ray exposure. Contact me if you any any relevant information).

For the Hashimoto’s disease, I am taking a low dosage of the generic form of Synthroid. I think Caffeine and the generic Synthroid (levothyroxine). Helps me with my energy levels so I can hit the ground running. (And loose a little weight along the way!) . There’s a Joke from the 80’s and 90’s when Guess Jeans were in fashion. “I saw an overweight person wearing a shirt that said ‘Guess’ So I answered, ‘Thyroid problem?'” – heh!

Be sure to visit for more ideas to help improve your life!

Where will this site go….

Ok, I’m selfish – and I’d like to start off first with my ailments:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Thyroid Issues (Who is Hashimoto?)
  • Weight Issues (25 BMI Where are you?)
  • Cancer

Ok – I have 3 out of 4 currently but, like everyone on this 7 Billion people planet, it’s only a matter of time before some of my cells become overzealous in their procreation abilities!  F!

Ok, Seriousnesss – How should I layout every diagnosis?  (Inbox me) This website should be based on blood stats.  This is what we look at when we get our results.  Some stat companies put ranges for what is normal – but that ends there.  They rely on your doctors to guide you when your results are abnormal.  But doctors can be good or dirt.  (A doctor who gets a D is still a doctor).  Except for woman doctors, their bar is higher.

I want you to get a result, get your options, speak with your doctor, and be informed of the information you glean from here.  (I wanted to write gleen but I researched the movie “Gleaming the Cube.”  – and, yeah, I hope that you are picking up what I’m putting down.  You are 77% of America!  And if you’re not from America, you need to have me and a guest (Nicole) invited to your embassy party – please 🙂

Anyway – let’s get us enjoying the 36,500 days that we have here Mother F-ers! heh!

BTW – Today is the first day of the rest of……

ok – I’ll STFUN

STFUN Abbrevitions in the comments below:

Website Mission – Yeah – Sorry, But I Went There…. Hugs…

Hi Weary Web-Traveller!

My name is Scott and I’m about to tell you what I learned about blood chemistry including what experts in the health community can tell me about blood chemistry.

The story begins with my dabbling with health until I put on my Freshman Fifteen (Freshman 15)  I was healthy through most of my life.  But when my son Darren was born, I lost my faith in the medical community.  My friends can tell you that my first son was diagnosed with a DNA twist when he was six months old – which should have been diagnosed before he was born unless you were born in a third world county – but Darren was born in New Jersey, the fourth and a half best medical community on this planet.

Well, Darren’s story wasn’t based on blood chemistry, but it ignited me to create this website.  Because recently, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease which is the deterioration of your thyroid gland by your immune system.   I also have high blood pressure and I’m overweight – ok, obese.  Let’s just say I bought an XL Jos. A Banks sweater for $12 and I looked like a blue McDonald’s Grimace – Heh!  BTW, my sense of humor is through the roof so please take everything on this website with a kilogram of salt, unless salt is against the doctor’s orders!

My mission for this website is -X-fold (This is going to change daily BTW- hehe): Provide people with honest first rung information about what they are looking for based on their blood chemistry results.  Provide people with a way to improve their blood chemistry results.  Provide people with suggested ways to improve their blood chemistry results.

But also to provide forums based on diagnosis, and questions for people to QUICKLY understand what from is going on, and get back to enjoying their lives.  On average, people only have roughly 30,000 to 36,500 (100 years) on this Earth (or another planet) to enjoy life.  Life is best enjoyed and not worried.  So if you have a malady, condition, an ailment, be motivated, make things, make memories for your friends, families and loved ones.

My alternative mission is to support communities to help foster what I wrote in the previous paragraph.  No one is perfect – but we can make the future better, and put our missteps and misdeeds behind us.

Let’s work together to create the best world, family, friendship possible.  Hugs…


You Are Born With Fingerprints and DNA

You are born with fingerprints and DNA.  And “and DNA” is a palindrome. Heh!

The rest of you, your life, your hormones, your longevity – is based upon what you eat and what you do.

Your blood chemistry builds up, motivates or demotivates and breaks you down.  And your blood chemistry depends on your food and drug intake.

This site will help you look at your numbers and provide paths to correct them and bring you back on the healthy track.

Now you are the brain, eyes, and nerves that control your DNA handling your food intake.